
This beautiful parcel arrived at my doorstep last week announcing the launch of the new series of clothes by beloved friend and talented fashion designer Yiorgos Eleftheriades.
YESYMPHONY is an affordable collection with this typical design twist of Yiorgos’ artistic feel.

Available at Yiorgos Eleftheriades Space, and in many stores in Greece and abroad.

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2 years YE Space

One of the coolest greek designers out there and a personal favourite, Yiorgos Eleftheriades, celebrated the 2-year birthday of his “Space” shop in Tsakalof str. Some wine, great music and his dearest friends was all it took for a warm hearted night, despite the freaking cold outside. Wish you 102 more successful and soul filling years to come sweetheart.
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YE sample sale

Shopping alert: All samples up to 100 euros- don’t miss it people!


Yiorgos Eleftheriades: Space

In an old 40s building in the center of athens you can now find the new thoughtfully-designed-with-care-and-taste, refined boutique of Yiorgos Eleftheriades “Space”.

Love the store.

And him.

And all the collection.

Space: 29 Tsakalof & Voukourestiou Str. , Athens
