TR2: The House

The latest “Dolce far Niente” Wednesday
of TR2 took place in a wonderful old mansion dated back in the beginning of 20th century, in collaboration with two blonde ladies of the blogosphere. George Karabellas together with Christina and Filio organised a trunk show, full of homemade cupcakes, jewelry, exclusive TR2 items, pieces of art, Korres goodie bags and interesting people.


Use&Diffuse at TR2

Fashion Director of Vogue Hellas Michael Pandos, in coordination with George C.Carabellas, owner of TR2 concept boutique, curated the creation of a capsule collection by five Greek designers. The result is a limited edition of unisex pieces (in consumer-fiendly prices), with the signature of some of the best names in greek fashion (Sotiris Georgiou, Dimitris Petrou, Katerina Psoma, Stathis Samantas and Chris P.), and it was presented yesterday at TR2 The Kolonaki edition, in another “Dolce Far Niente” Wednesday.


summer manifesto

a mid-summer warm night under a full moon at Thission, out at the wonderful terrace of George C. Carabellas’s soon-to-be-ex-house was the set-up for a cocktail soiree, something 0f a goodbye party, a good chance to catch up with friends and use chalk (i don’t event want to think when was the last time I wrote on a blackboard), declaring on the walls what consists one’s summer manifesto. Pretty girls and handsome boys was, apparently, the secret theme of the gathering: Miss-Athenes, Michael Pandos, LemonCake, Dimitris Sarantou, All You Need is Style, Dimitris Petrou, Stamos Michael and Olivia were just some of the beauties that paraded at the architectural jewel at Thission.


Tr2: the time is now

1st of March, first day of spring, first day of the new TR2 Kolonaki shop so the right time for a small celebration. Mr. George C.Carabellas invited the bloggers that participated to the Moving on/Moving Up project for champagne, chatting and pop corn. All products, carefully chosen with love by George, stand-out in a perfectly designed minimal enviroment. Find below snapshots from TR2 and two blond beauties, miss Lemoncake Wardrobe and miss PinkGirl Notes
