More than a woman: The portrait

More than a woman was the name of the latest project of Shop 112A and Ozon Raw and as i said here, i participated together with seven more bloggers, to the exhibition with a photo of my inspirational woman for 2012, who is no other but Ms. Eleni Psichouli, the multi-talented and creative chef next door, that i also admire for her warmth, optimism and big heart.

Eleni came over Shop the other day to see her portrait, together with some of my closest people

-many beautiful girls spotted, it was Women’s Day afterall


More than a woman

My beloved friends

On Thursday 8th of March, Ozon Raw in collaboration with concept store Shop Ermou 112A will celebrate the Women’s Day, by providing to every woman free beauty treatments and great discounts to Shop’s new collections.

And that’s not all: 8 bloggers participate to the “Fashion Bloggers United” exhibition, by presenting a photo of their inspirational woman of 2012. I’ll be there praising a very special person with my participation, and i’ll be more than happy to see you over a manicure and some shopping

You can see more about the event here
