The scent of Firenze

As promised, a post dedicated to the most ancient pharmaceutical workshop in the world.
Santa Maria di Novella in Florence is well known for its natural products from local herbs since 1612 and for producing the first perfume worldwide for Catherine de Medici. Now their vast collection includes from soaps and perfumes to facial skincare and wax. And the list is long. Being crazy about it ever since I came across their products at at El.Marnieri gallery, I couldn’t help but paying a visit at its historical and charming building in Florence when I traveled there.
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Exclusively at Eleni Marneri gallery.



Last ten days were about:
A soft light blue-grey silk dress by V Society (damn I love this color).
Black high heel suede sandals by Sante that popped through my door the other day.
“Charnieres” gold and diamond drop earrings and cuffs by the ever so talented Yannis Sergakis. In love with them is an understatement.
My whole house smells of rose. Rose Soaps and Rose scented wax soapdish by Santa Maria di Novella, one of the most ancient pharmaceutical workshops in Florence that produces enchanting soaps and perfumes since the 16th century. Exclusively at El.Marnieri gallery.
Mariah’s final recording “Utakata no Hibi” (1983), one of those albums to be on my Top 5 list for life.
Handmade easter eggs as usual, and a small getaway to catch up on lost sleep.

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