
tonight me and Cloam we’re gonna play some music at the Delight pop-up boutique at 6d.o.g.s- we’ll be the first to start around 11, but Dagritzikos, Fantastikoi Hxoi and more friends will keep the party going till late- check here about the gig and come for some early drinks


Elektro Guzzi

6 D.O.G.S celebrated its first year of existence with a party and Elektro Guzzi on the top of it, who they may look like a traditional band when you see the typical guitar-bass-drum combination but they have absolutely nothing to do with it.

The sound produced when they start is great techno, performed live in front of you, with all the loops and beats and sounds created the same moment. You close your eyes and you find it hard to believe that these guys use no computers. nothing. nada. niente. never seen anything like it before

just to get an idea:

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on a rainy sunday evening

..a dozen of artists performed live at 6.D.O.G.S, each one with his personal style

Ku- ‘Ping Pong Show’ walkman and cassettes, by Orila


last night to a bar near you

our beloved friends,

On behalf of kuakuakua i would like to thank all of you for a wonderful night, for the head banging and the photos, for screaming out lyrics- sharing laughs-playing air guitar -throwing your set in the air like you just didn’t care.

Till next time
