irish coffee shot

BreederFeeder was the place for us last night.  Über cosy and artistic and the menu this time was ‘Irish Pub’.  I finally caught- up with my friend Iliana and met Linda and Panos, while in the meantime  i was trying to concentrate and leave some food in my plate after every course so i could gracefully proceed in to the next one (you see, it was a five-course meal). the Pea and ham soup, the Bangers with mash and the Irish Cream Pudding Parfaits with Walnut Crunch were divine, you should definitely try it. the boys will keep the same menu for another week but i heard that for February the theme is Lovers Delight, so you know they’ll do their best to exceed your expectations.



  1. Νadia January 22, 2011 / 14:25

    Glad you enjoyed it hon! Next time I hope i’ll be able to join you! xx

    • youstrikemyfancy January 22, 2011 / 14:27

      i was hoping to see you last night- next time for sure!

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