During my small trip to Brussels, I was very lucky to watch the photography exhibition of top filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, whose early creative efforts as a photojournalist for the New York magazine Look, I was completely unaware of.
I was suprised by his large amount of work and completely captivated by the cinematographic viewpoint of it.
His lens captures a portrait of America after World War II- a central theme in Kubrick’s films. His themes include crime scenes, the life of a showshine man, a university theater troupe, etc.
Beyond his involvement with society and its social and racial tensions, Kubricks’ photographic work displays a precision of composition that goes beyond mere reporting. Capable of constructing a scene, Kubrick sought to transcend the present moment, by definition chaotic and uncontrollable, by lending it form and structure.
The exhibition ends July 1st, 2012, www.fine-arts-museum.be
*Photos that aren’t mine are linked to their sources
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Rocky Graziano, μποξέρ παρακαλώ, πρώην μικροεγκληματίας και σταρ της εποχής http://pichaus.com/kubrick-1949-stanley-bw-@f071a9079fde2cb1d7e026a8d64c3e92/
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